Roland Park Baseball Leagues center badge

Game Cancellation for Weather

On occasion the league will need to cancel games. Coaches do not have discretion to play when a field is closed by the league. Note that this may be due to weather, field conditions, or events taking place at the field. 

Coaches may cancel games due to weather or poor field conditions. For games it is the home team coach that makes the final decision, preferably in consultation with the opposing coach, and the home team coach that contacts the head umpire and scheduler of the cancellation. Each coach is responsible for contacting their own team. 

Thunder and Lightning

RPBL abides by the “30-30” rule when thunder or lightning occur: After you see lightning, start counting to 30. If you hear thunder before you reach 30, go indoors. Suspend activities for at least 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder. 


Games canceled for lack of players are forfeits and may not be rescheduled. However, should a coach be aware they will lack players at least a day in advance of a game, they may seek a rescheduling of the game with the agreement of the opposing coach. As with all cancellations the head umpire and scheduler for that league must be contacted by one of the coaches. 

Please ask your parents to regularly update Team Sideline with attendance. You will often know well in advance if you will be short players. 

You can play with a minimum of 7, but you can always fill in with “call ups” from the league below you. Do not use players from other teams in your league. You will need to schedule these replacement “call up” players reasonably in advance. Ask your League Coordinator for potential “call up” players.