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Spring Recreation Baseball

Roland Park Baseball Leagues' spring recreation league is the premier event of our year. Join us this spring as we embark on our 71st season! 

Picture Day

Start the season with Picture Day! Meet your team, receive your uniform and practice schedule, and get photographed.

Opening Day

Opening Day kicks off the game schedule. Join RPBL as we recognize the many volunteers and sponsors that make the season possible.

Nights Under Lights

Nothing like a night game! Join the National, American, and Teen Leagues for games under the lights.

Sandlot Games

Coaches step aside a couple times each season to let the players run the show from meeting the umpire to coaching the bases. 

Interleague Play

RPBL is not the only league in town. Get out to neighboring leagues for a game or two each season.


Playoffs? Of course there are playoffs! Starting after Memorial Day this is the grand lead up to the championship games for the National, American, and Teen Leagues.

All Star Games

Join us for the final games of the year when we showcase some of the best talent of the League. 

Closing Ceremonies

The season's end! We came a long way from Picture Day. Recognize our league champs, our best sportsmanship, and say goodbye for another year. Time to hit the pool! 

For more details on the 2024 season, please download the RPBL Rules here. Frequently asked questions about our recreation league maybe found HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my athlete play “up” in an older age group?

Some young athletes with advanced skills or a desire to play with a sibling have played “up” in the past. Please DO reach out to the league to ask about this option. Please DO NOT use a fake birthday during the registration process.

Can I request that my child be placed on a specific team or with a specific player?

In our non-competitive divisions, Tee-Ball and the International League, friend requests are often honored. The need to balance a team size occasionally prevents us from keeping friends together. In our competitive divisions, the National League, American League, and Teen League, requests to be on specific teams, or with specific coaches are not accepted. Limited friend requests are considered, but only if they do not interfere with the balance (size and talent) of the teams. 

My son/daughter is playing travel. Can he/she be excused from the rec requirement?

RPBL is a recreational baseball league that provides a travel baseball option for those who want to play more baseball. Players who are participating on a school baseball team with a minimum of four practices per week and a five-game season are excused from rec. This exemption is provided in recognition of the physical and time demands of participating on a school baseball team. In the case of an unusual circumstance, a request for an exemption may be presented to the Commissioner.

My player has tested negative for COVID-19, but his/her sibling or parent is positive. Can my player attend an RPBL event, including practice or tryouts?
No. The exposed individual is eligible to return to RPBL activities if he/she has a negative PCR test on day five following the exposure. The only exception is if he/she has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days and has completed the appropriate isolation period. If that is the case, then he/she may resume RPBL activities.

Are their rules about which positions each child can/must play?
Yes. In all of our leagues, it is required that each child is given the opportunity to play one inning in the infield and one inning in the outfield. RPBL also limits how much each player can pitch and catch. These are league-specific.

Are siblings in the same age group placed on the same team?
Yes. By default, siblings are placed on the same team. If siblings have different last names, please alert RPBL of their sibling status for rostering purposes. If your preference is to have siblings play on different teams, please contact RPBL.

How long do games last?
RPBL strives to play complete games in all age groups. Inning limits are league-specific. However, for regular season games, there are time limits for game durations (also league-specific). In the competitive leagues (NL, AL, and Teen), playoff games must be played to completion, thus there is no time limit.

May I bring my dog to the game?
That depends on the venue. For City fields (Wyman Park, Robinson Park, and Memorial Field), the answer is yes. For fields that are located at schools (Gilman, RPEMS, Poly), the answer is no.

Are the coaches required to go through a background check?
Yes. All coaches undergo a background check to ensure their suitability to serve as coaches.

What equipment does the league provide? What equipment should my child provide?
At Picture Day, each player will be provided with a shirt and a hat. Each team will have balls, bats, and helmets. Players should provide their own baseball mitt, batting gloves (if desired), cleats (if desired), baseball pants, and socks (if desired). If you cannot afford a baseball mitt for your child, please reach out to RPBL. Some players also bring their own bats and helmets. There are rules outlining which bats can be used in our recreational league, so please check the web site for guidance. Also, helmets must have face guards per city regulations